photo credit: Anthony Moore
Due to the freezing wind chills, this year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon was on a weather alert day. The day started with freezing temperatures and 17° wind chills, the expected high was 37°, it would be a cold day for a run. And yet, that did not stop the Highland Park Faith runners and walkers. Several years ago, as part of the Women’s Season activities an early morning Faith Walk was planned as a way to spread the Gospel and get fit at the same time. The Faith Walk bore fruit. It was so energizing the women said we have to do this again. Then the men joined, some people started running, new locations were added and the Faith Run/Walk became a way to encourage healthy behavior, support each other in the effort and most important be a light in the community for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
photo credit: Anthony Moore
It was a year ago during a Faith Run/Walk at the track at Prince Georges Community College, that happened to be on the same day as the 2016 Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, that Pastor Davis suggested the Faith Run/Walk should aim its fitness and witness for the 2017 Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon. The runners and walkers cheered. For the past year, they witnessed, planned and trained at different sites in Prince Georges County. Sandra Brennan, one of the Women’s Season leaders when the original Faith/Walk was planned, coordinated the registration and logistics for the marathon participants.
Seasoned athlete Veronica Richardson on the road to Victory photo credit: Anthony Moore
For Jesus, the Highland Park Faith runners and walkers showed up & showed out. Sandra Brennan reports that there were 50 walkers and runners who completed the marathon. Of that number, three runners, Pastor Davis, Veronica Richardson and Joel Price (his first marathon!) finished 26.2 miles. Ten runners completed the half marathon (13.1 miles) and the other runners completed the 5K. Seeing these champions in church the next day, with their medals around their necks was motivating for the fence sitters. Sandra Brennan said that people have already registered for the 2018 Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon 2018.
Joel Price & Pastor Davis with their medals, relieved & happy photo credit: Anthony Moore
Council Member Andrea Harrison with her husband Charles photo credit: Anthony Moore
photo credit: Anthony Moore