It seems hard to believe that a week has passed and people are still being rescued from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. In the coverage of the devastation I have been moved by the heroic actions of people helping people. This has happened stranger to stranger, neighbor to neighbor and kin to kin. Coming on the heels of the events in Charlottesville, it has been heart-melting to witness the human spirit triumph when faced with the devastating conditions of Harvey. These everyday heroes bear witness that LOVE is the Greatest.
photo CNN
Two videos of human chains caught the attention of the media, one to rescue a man from a truck. The second chain helped a woman in labor get on a truck. The miracle of her story is that her two of her previous pregnancies that ended in miscarriage.
The Dusty Dogs, the Navy’s Helicopter Sea Combat Squad rescued people in Port Arthur.
Heartwarming photos tell the story.
photo Joe Raedle
David J Phillip/ AP photo
Scott Olson/ Getty Images
People are sharing videos too.
This pastor went back to his home to get toys for his children and he plays the piano in his flooded home.
Some have suggested that a statue be made of this sheriff.
& in the video that blew up and blessed with over 18 million views Victoria White’s singing Spirit Break Out made people sit up on their cots, the Power of the Gospel is Real.
My prayers and plans for action to aid and support continue as I am sure that yours do as well. God Provides.