As we enter the second week of Governor Hogan’s Stay-at-Home directive for MD and the fourth week of Maryland’s schools closure due to the coronavirus, Covid-19, it seems a good time to share a few links of interest, information and inspiration.
This is a fascinating read from Texas monthly writer on his family’s ordeal to return home after being stuck in Peru after the country closed its borders because of the coronavirus
On the Today Show Suze Orman answered viewers’ financial questions.
The federal government benefit finder site
This is the Maryland government site with statewide information
Kendrick Lamar’s Alright, the anthem for the Black Lives Matter movement, has returned to social media as a response to the coronavirus, NPR did a piece about the song’s connection to BLM
Though, for me, my Alright comes from Pastor Clay Evans, my late father had his albums and I always enjoyed listening to them. This will bless your soul

and the above picture was taken the weekend of March 28, in Selma, AL. My daughter and son are standing in front of the house where my beloved dad, along with his brother and sisters, were raised. We made real quick trip to Selma to say ‘til we meet again’ to my father’s eldest sister, Mrs. Dorothy Carter Jackson, my Aunt Dot. When my daughter was growing up, Aunt Dot regularly sent her fancy outfits with matching bonnets, purses and lace trimmed bloomers. A fancy lady who enjoyed her life, Aunt Dot loved her family, loved to sing and most of all loved the Lord. For so many reasons, she will be missed.

with prayers, faith and love