How are you doing? Though different this year, I hope your Easter Sunday brought hope and goodness to you and your family. Last week I mentioned the Founding Farmers corn bread that we inhaled. On Saturday, I made banana bread from Smitten Kitchen. I am not really a banana bread person, but the people in my house like it and the recipe enticed me. Smitten Kitchen’s recipe is easy to follow. I used really ripe bananas. Everyone agreed that the turbinado sugar crust takes it over the top. I enjoyed it warmed with a little butter. It is gone, no leftovers and though my plan was to get the picture before someone cut a piece, I was too late.

Since the middle of March, my family has gathered every evening for reflections and prayers. Prior to this, most nights, I (or my husband) would pray with Henry before he went to sleep. When the talk of school closing, because of covid-19, began circulating I told my husband that it was time to come together as a family. Even though we are in the same house; laptops, computers and wi-fi means that we are not always together in the house.
This is how our evening devotion proceeds, I ask Belle (who came home at the end of March) and Henry if they have any blessings from the day that they would like to share. I do this because I believe no matter how bad a day is, if you reflect on it, there is something good that happened. Then I share my blessings, followed by my husband. After he shares his blessings, I pray, followed by my husband’s prayer. We end with the Lord’s prayer. Though this is our process every night, it is not rigid, sometimes a song or Bible meditation is added. And we gather every night, regardless of feelings and emotions. Remember, there are three adults and a teenager in the house.
My hope is that all the people of God are setting time aside, both individually and corporately, to seek God for such a time as this. I know that God hears our prayers and that God is a prayer answering God.