While I have some relief that my semester at Regent is nearly over, I am missing the anticipated commencement ceremonies and regalia of the Class of 2020. In particular, I was looking forward to seeing my nephew walk across the stage with his degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland Baltimore County Event Center, my alma mater. Still, I am doubly proud of him, as well as all of the graduates of the Class of 2020. And Timothy, know that A Celebration of your Graduation is forthcoming!

You do not want to miss two gospel giants stepping into the instagram battle ring tonight, Bishop Hezekiah Walker & Pastor John P. Kee. I love both of these men of God, and yet this is one of my all time favorite songs by the Bishop
This week’s recipe that I tried was Potatoes Dauphinoise, it was rich, it was delicious and it was gone in a day. I admit that I had help, my husband peeled the potatoes and my daughter shredded the cheese. That made the dish easy to put together
This, this & this is what New York sounds like every night at 7 p.m #clapbecausewecare
Did you know the coronavirus has led to an increase in sales of The Good Book
I did not see it, but DMX did a Bible study on Instagram live & people were blessed
and finally, while I tune in to Highland Park for the virtual message and prayers, the dance-off with Pastor Davis, the Virtuosic Rooks and the musicians and the at the end of the last service of the weekend has become a favorite for me.