Lady Nakia Wright & Dr. Renee Starlynn Allen …
The movie, Hidden Figures came to life for Highland Parks’ Women’s Ministry during Women’s History Month. It was a conversation with Mrs. Anne Love that generated the idea for the program. In the conversation, Mrs. Love told me about the early…
On Wednesday night, we packed into Highland Park to hear 7millennials each take 7minutes and expound on one of the 7 last sayings of Jesus on the Cross. This is my take on the night. Most of us spend our…
photo credit: Anthony Moore Due to the freezing wind chills, this year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon was on a weather alert day. The day started with freezing temperatures and 17° wind chills, the expected high was 37°, it would be…
at Highland Park 3/5/17, Pastor Davis, congregation & the Crawford Family. Miracles & Answered Prayers photo credit: Gerald Seltzer The week’s links that I clicked, read and want to share I remember conversations with my beloved dad when articles, about…
photo credit: Pete Souza
Last week I tuned into Periscope to join Lady Nakia Wright’s book club. The featured book was The Joy Spot by Lady Kim McKissick. This purchase is a must add for your Christmas list. Though she wrote this book with…
I have been blessed reading the reflections on social media of members and friends from the Consecration Celebration of the Highland Park Worship Sanctuary. We had a time, a mighty good time. They say a picture is worth a thousand…
This Saturday, October 29, members and friends of First Baptist Church of Highland Park will travel up the hill from our current sanctuary to our new church home. Joyful, excited, grateful, these words only begin to describe the emotions felt.…
It seemed, to those in attendance, that they were nearing the end of the Anniversary Banquet saluting 25 years of pastoral service of Dr. Therm M. James, Sr. at the Bethany Baptist Church. Pastor James was making his remarks. He…
On Saturday October 8th the Wife Support Ministry led by First Lady LaToya Bell hosted Queens Honoring Queens at the Tubman Museum in Macon, GA. It was a lavish event that honored leading ladies from the area for their Christian service…
Last February, the young people of Highland Park were invited to sign the floor with their name and a favorite scripture on the first level of the new church construction. On the last Friday night in August, members and friends of First Baptist Church of Highland Park were grateful and excited to get a long awaited first look inside the new sanctuary at the construction site and sign the floor before the carpet placement.